Dr Jingjing Liu is a postdoc researcher, recently completing her PhD in Mechanical Engineering at the Sustainable Buildings Research Centre at the University of Wollongong. Her research interests include human-oriented thermal comfort and energy efficiency technologies in the built environment and sustainability. She received a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering from Liaoning Technical University (China) in 2015 and a Master’s degree in Engineering from Anhui University of Technology (China) in 2018. She is very passionate about pursuing gender equality in STEM and strongly believes ‘Every Voice Matters’. She first joined WREN as an HDR student member and was continuously inspired by other women she met at the WREN events. She is very excited to engage with more impactful EDI projects and make a change along with WREN. She is also a mentor of the International Peer Mentoring Program at the University of Wollongong and would like to connect with more international students.